Night to Shine Guest Registration

Friday, February 7, 2025 | 4:30pm - 9:00pm

We are back!!  We have missed you and are excited to be able to host this year’s Night to Shine event, Friday,  February 7th, 2025.  Night to Shine is a prom for those with special needs ages 14 and up.   We are looking forward to a great evening with our participants and their caregivers pampering them and reflecting the love of God.  Only 160 guest spots are available and are filled quickly, so register today!

Parents and Caregivers, we have an exciting event planned for you this year!! We recognize your role, while a lot of times is rewarding, can be mentally and physically draining. That's why we've teamed up again with our friends at  Solid Rock Church,  508 Hunters Run Rd, Jefferson City, MO 65109  to give you a break and some well deserved pampering!   They are planning a fun, relaxing evening with entertainment, food, games, and a live stream of the prom throughout the night.  You can sit back and enjoy your night while also watching your guest enjoy theirs!  YOU DON'T WANT TO MISS IT!!  Click the "Register To Attend Parent/Caregiver Event HERE!" button below or follow the link included in the guest registration confirmation email once your guest is registered.

Guest Registration Steps:

Step 1:  Click the "REGISTER GUESTS HERE!" button below  to register participants.  

Step 2:  Select your arrival times for guests on the guest registration form.   Your selected arrival time will be sent in your confirmation email and also on your prom invitations.  Invitations will be sent approximately two weeks prior to the event.  Please bring your invitation with you, so we can make sure to properly announce your name at the red carpet.  Arrival times will be from 4:30-6:00.  Since we have a lot of guests scheduled to arrive, please try to not arrive a lot earlier than your selected arrival time.

Step 3:  Once registered, check your email for additional information.  If you don't receive a confirmation email, please contact Todd Tellman -

Step 4:  If you are a parent or caregiver, please register for the caregiver event, at Solid Rock Church. by clicking the "Register To Attend Parent/Caregiver Event HERE!" button above or follow the link included in the guest registration confirmation email once your guest is registered.  Please plan to attend and enjoy some pampering yourself!!

NOTE:  Ladies, we do have some dresses available and will be sending out emails with times to come in and look.  We do ask if you have a dress you've used in the past and would like a new one, please bring your cleaned dress in so we can share it with other guests.  Gentlemen, we are partnering with Samuels Menswear and Day Solutions Foundation to provide tuxedo rentals for you.   Stay tuned to your emails for more information!

What to expect the night of the event:

  • Arrive at the Event Center building, 1315 Fairgrounds Road,  at your scheduled time.
  • You will be greeted at our tent.  PLEASE remember to bring your prom invitation!  Your name will be announced and you will be escorted down the red carpet to our Welcome tables for check-in.
  • Each participant will have a buddy to accompany them for the entire evening and participate in the fun alongside them.
  • Participants will be pampered at our Pre-Prom Pampering Stations.  Pre-Prom pampering is for participants only and includes:  
    • Male Participants:  Shoe Shining, hair styling (if they would like), and professional photographs
    • Female Participants:  A quick hair styling, make-up, jewelry, and professional photographs.  Please come dressed in your dresses prior to arriving!
  • Parents & Caregivers will go to  Solid Rock Church,  508 Hunters Run Rd, Jefferson City, MO 65109  to relax, enjoy dinner, entertainment, games, and watch the live-feed of the Night to Shine Event.
  • Each participant will receive a crown or tiara and be crowned Queen or King for the event as we believe each person is a special creation and treasure of our Heavenly Father.  
  • Each participant will also receive a boutonniere or corsage
  • Participants will enjoy karaoke, limo rides, a delicious meal, photo booth, and dancing with their buddies and friends
  • 9:00pm - Parents/Caregivers can pick up participants at the Event Center.  Each participant will receive a ticket to pick up their photo/takeaway gifts at the end of the night.  You must have the photo ticket to receive your take away gifts.

Night to Shine Shirts:

This year we are offering Night to Shine shirts,  from Grasshopper Lane Designs, for  $20.  For each shirt you purchase, $3 will be donated to assist with the cost of hosting this event!  An event like this wouldn't be possible without donations from the public and our sponsors. Get yours today!  Orders will not be available until after the first of the year.

Event Locations

Night to Shine Prom

Capital West Christian Church Event Center
1315 Fairgrounds Rd, Jefferson City, MO 65109

Caregiver Event

Solid Rock Church 
508 Hunters Run Rd, Jefferson City, MO 65109

Our Sponsors

An event like this would not be possible without the support from our sponsors!  Thank you for all you do for our community!!